Thursday 15 February 2018

Endgame Basics

Given the very embarrassing lack of endgame knowledge so well demonstrated during the last tournament - and also based on the latest advice of my former Coach - I went back to the classics: endgames!

Yes, I am very good at forgetting these rather boring and tiresome endgame principles rather sooner than later - and it is definitely not really funny to study these anyway - but this is exactly the reason why it has to be done!

Did you know that this is a draw?! Black to move:
Well, I fairly admit that I did NOT.  BUT NOW!
If I had to move, I would have chosen the right piece and square, BUT to be totally honest:
I would have resigned earlier on!!!

(Interestingly, the latest Komodo-Version considers it +2 for White while at the same time recognizing that it is part of its endgame database and expressing that it´s a draw!)

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