Thursday, 8 September 2016

Day 161 / 204 to go

Here we go - I started with some puzzles using CT-Art 4.0. The following is an easy one which I missed (how silly of me):
However, I finally managed to elevate my "CT-A-rating" to a rating of 2115 by solving some others...  8-/

Furthermore I went after some of Smith´s puzzles, here is a nice one (Black to move):
Interestingly, Komodo switches back and forth, putting the right move according to Smith onto the top and then totally out of the list of the best three moves. After some 5 minutes of decreasing advantage for White, Komodo doesn´t consider Ba3 any longer as "good" --- but I still like the thinking behind it: disallow any chance for counterplay on the queenside!

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