Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Grenke - Post Mortem I

I went through 3 different variations I was faced with during the tournament and had them analyzed by Stockfish and Hiarcs before I hammered the most promising lines into CPT. This actually took me some 3 hours this evening.

A chess pal of mine - LdV - once indicated that after chess tournament he has enough stuff to work on and analyse "for months"; whereas in the past it took me not even a full week before I "moved on".
However,from now one I will spend more time on the post mortem of a tournament and digging into the opening is just one aspect:

  • I will also get back to the database I created to document all the mistakes I made during the game. (Something, I have to admit, I didn´t follow up decently enough.)
  • I will also spend more time trying to understand PLANS behind moves prioritized by the engine(s) instead of simply taking for granted that other moves are better: maybe I will even write down these moves and plans - annotating the game!
THESE ARE the reasons, why the headline indicates, that the post mortem will take me a few evenings...

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