Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Day 145 / 220 to go

I started practising some variations with Black using my CSP (chess positional trainer). Then I followed GM Ramirez on one of his DVDs - hammering parts of it also into the CSP.

Doesn´t sound like much and may, indeed, not be really challenging or hard brain work, but nevertheless it is necessary to do the homework and get the basics right! Actually, I spent some two hours on that - which is not too bad for a long day at work and still some 25 degrees in the flat...

Tomorrow I will have to work and travel back home, so there is likely not much I will do. Especially since it is the evening prior to the tournament. On the tournament starting day (Thursday) I will do some physical exercising in the (late) morning and arrive utmost relaxed at the chess venue in the afternoon...

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