Sunday, 21 August 2016

Day 127 - 142 / 223 to go

Two weeks of sun, beach, pool, relaxation, cold/cool drinks - and some chess!

Unfortunately, I did (much) less than I initially planned, but doing Lommers at the pool with lots of other people, music in the background, kids screaming, laughing and crying is not really easy...  8-/

Nevertheless, I managed to the following
  • I finished Aagard´s "Positional Play" and worked on the remaining approx. 70 puzzles. I wouldn´t say that I hit the right move more often than before (maybe due to the "special circumstances" mentioned above) but at least I did definitely not do any worse. However, I do recognize that I got faster with some of the positions: I seems like my pattern recognition ability or the intuition to focus on the right place on the board finally increased!
  • I worked on some 25 Lommers - somewhat with the same success(-rate) as I had/have when solving them at home. Some of these were pretty instructive and I shared them with my son. This should increase the learning effect... Having gone only for 25 in a fortnight without work and lots of relaxation is a bit disappointing and embarrassing, but again, it is not easy to solve these puzzles at temperatures between 28 and 32 degress celcius lying in the sun and sharing the beach/pool with many others...
  • I read the complete "The seven deadly chess sins" from Rowson - categorised as being a book on chess psychology. I couldn´t connect all the stated "sins" with my play, neither all of his advices were really helpful for me. Nevertheless, I am really glad that I worked my way throught the complete book since there were, indeed, very helpful tips and very interesting insights! I can really recommend this book - and I will share some of the interesting insights with you later today. (As my training day today will be to summarize Rowson´s book and incorporate it into my thinking/training achievements and maybe even my PAT)!
Finally, within the first week I played some interesting blitz games with my son (he is getting better and better) and we even were talking about some of our openings in more detail.

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