Monday, 12 December 2016

Days 245 - 253 / 112 to go

Mea culpa - mea maxima culpa

The break as such simply "had to be": There either was simply no time due to travel+work load or I simply caught myself being struck by the "pre-christmas blues"... 8-/   But maybe even the circumstance that I was left without my mobile phone - including being "online" with my laptop added to the above...
During the last 8 days I did hardly go for any decent training sessions at all.
YES, I did "something" here and there (read some NiC-articles, solved some puzzles, repeated some opening theory, and, of course, went for some online games; finally, I played a team match yesterday and drew against an equally rated player) - but no real dedicated training sessions as such). Nevertheless, please find a nice one and true CLASSIC (Karpov - Unzicker / 1974) taken from NiC - White to move:
To my personal surprise Stockfish found it almost instantly - whereas I am still hoping to incorporate that sort of move into my own games... Can you solve it or, maybe, you simply remember this classic?  
ANYWAY, from today onwards up to the tournament in Erfurt - starting on the 26th this months - I will definitely take the necessary time at least 5 times a week! (Hoping that I can finish the last tournament of the year with yet another slight gain in rating points...)

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