Thursday, 13 October 2016

Day 195 / 170 to go

Today I continued with Smith´s lecture on calculations. Just like on IM Richter´s DVD, he proposes NOT to go too deeply into calculating candidate moves/variations, but rather to come to a prelimenariy conclusion rather soon. However, unlike Richter´s advice to start with moves that give a check, then with those taking a piece and only then calculate "the rest", Smith believes in calculating the move with the highest aim first!

Personally, I like Richter´s hierarchy because of its clearness and its practical value when being in extreme situations (either look for a mate yourself or avoid being mated). On the other hand Smith´s rule can be easily applied - even in those extreme cases of mating or getting mated...

I will try to incorporate Richter´s hierarchical approach into my PAT/thinking - DURING TRAINING. And hopefully, after enough training, Smith´s theory kicks in: the structured approach becomes part of my subconcious thinking...

(I have to admit, that today I probably spent only about half a session - some 45 minutes. But my working day was simply too hard/long.  I did relax with some blitz games after the lesson...)

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