Monday, 24 October 2016

Days 202 - 205 / 160 to go

The Korbach Open went pretty well - at least in terms of results.

Whereas the Nibelungen Open some 4 weeks ago only brought some 3 rating points, Korbach will gain me some 25. Nevertheless, I would conclude that the overall quality of the matches in Nibelungen was a bit better - at least they showed less variance...  However, during two matches in Korbach I purposely took some risk (and was rewarded).  Just like during the Nibelungen Open, I managed to keep some 2200-guys off my neck and didn´t get into serious time trouble at all.

 I am pretty confident, that I finally managed to bring my game to the next level: my training did pay off! Actually, this is the first time in my life that I got out of a tournament with a rating plus for 4 consecutive tournaments!  Let´s see what the final two tournaments in 2016 will bring - the plan is to close this year somewhere around 2045 and 2065 (which means that I either don´t make any further rating gains this year or manage to get another 20 rating points out of two tournaments). In any case, given the deep dive that I went through at the beginning of my journey reaching this corridor is pretty fine (and actually not really far from my all-time high anyway)...

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