Monday, 31 October 2016

Day 213 / 152 to go

Continuing with Smith; today, he provided me with some interesting insightd into his "Woodpecker Method" --- something I anyway planned (and already announced) by using Oudeweetering´s latest work!

In addition, I continued with Soltis and two highly interesting puzzles on drawing defenders away. Here´s a very instructive one (which I didn´t solve) - how can the white queen be dragged away from its defensive task(s)? The first move - Bh4 - might be part of intuition for most of us, but how to make this move work?

Next to the move/motive itself, also the computer evaluation is interesting: The right move for Black gives him a plus of 2.3. The second best move for Black, however, is 1.3 points better for White!

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