Friday, 15 April 2016

Day 14 - day off

Due to work as well as travel - I didn´t really do anything for chess today.

I had a look at Dworetski`s famous " Universität der Schachanalyse". Yes yes - I know: "to have a look" is definitely not the same as "studying"! Purposely, I didn´t write that I was studying...   A very tough one, at least for me. He gives each puzzle a rating from 1 to 5 and I am yet not really able to solve those rated 3...

But yet again - this only means that I have to work harder; and I will!

Nevertheless, I am more than willing to share one of Reti´s famous endgame studies (which I studied - yes studied - yesterday night) - do you remember it (White to move - and win)?

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