Monday, 18 April 2016

Day 17 / 348 to go

Accountant or Axe-wielding Madman?

Those knowing me can easily answer Aaagard´s question!  8-)
He compares the accountant with Karpov´s style and I can easily add what my Coach told me about Capablanca´s...  8-)
I will try to make this sort of thinking more my own. I think it is important NOT to mix that sort of style with simple passive play and I assume this is where I need to sharpen my senses, too...

Preventing counterplay by asking yourself "What would my opponent do now if it was his move?" - Prophylaxis - is the chapter I am currently working on. And, guess what, it would have saved my life in yesterday´s game! I would have easily spottet what he definitely does NOT care about - and would have paid the necessary attention to what really happened on the board! My Coach even has a name for it: SOC - surpress opponent´s counterplay! And he adds that it is especially successful once you managed to get an advantage...
So maybe, once more, I will have to adjust my PAT. However, I will not rush into yet another amendment but give it a few more days (learning sessions) before I make up my mind. I don´t want to adjust every time I learn something new, but keep it condensed, well destilled and thought through...

Next to the daily PAT-training. I paid some attention to an opening variation my Coach instructed me on last week. Looks like there is yet another chess book to be bought...  8-/

Apropos, bought chess books: I just received "1357 endgame studies" by Lommer, THE set books advised by my Coach. It is a didactical nightmare! But, hopefully, together with de la Villa´s book I can manage to work myself through it. Actually my coach wants me to approach it with an "easy start": not trying to solve the puzzles yet but have a look at them and quickly refer to the solution... Next to today´s middle-game training and spending some time with my opening repertoire for Black, I will now spend another hour (maybe a bit less) on endgame studies...

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