Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Day 110 / 255 to go

Again I managed to do 6 Aagards, including one interesting position which I didn´t solve according to the book, but according to Komodo both moves are pretty much equally strong - at least when allowing Komodo to calculate for some 5 minutes! However, and that is what I was lacking anyway, I had the textbook-move on my shortlist, but didn´t really went into the calculation (and as such missed an important ressource for Black)... Here is the position - White to move, can you find the two pretty equally strong moves for White?
With temperatures even now reaching 27 degrees celcius, I am not really able to focus on any Lommer puzzles tonight. (Tomorrow I will start with Lommer and only later on move to either some Aagaards or use my software to hammer some opening variations into my head...)

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