Sunday, 31 July 2016

Days 119 - 122 / Vellmar Open

To cut it short, I started as 41st and finished as 34th; winning 2, losing 1 and drawing 4 games. Yes, the drawing rate is too high, but on two clear wins I simply didn´t have any time left: against a 2199 woman I was on plus 4, but fucked it up completely with some 25 seconds left for a series of some 5 moves exactly when I had to calculate "who mates whom first" - so I overlooked one winning variation and couldn´t calculate another deeply enough, the second unnecessary draw was against a 2120 dude where I was up a sound pawn but with a serious dark-squares weakness, where I didn´t find the right way to proceed...
The third draw was against a 1780 "wunderkind" who actually made some 150 rating points during the tournament (and although Komodo assured that I played a decent game and a strong opening - so did my opponent!) and the forth draw was against a 2168 guy which I just managed to keep away from my neck.

All in all, I actually did recognized that I am starting to "look" at positions differently and I can identify/name a few decisions which I wouldn´t have made before. These finally lead to 3 draws against higher rated players (where one should have been a loss, but the two others should have been victories).

I expect to gain some rating points (but I am actually too laizy to calculate it now by myself; especially so since the games and results became more important than the rating points during my chess monk journey)...

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